Sunday, April 13, 2014

16 weeks

Baby’s size
Your baby is now the size of an avocado—and she can make a fist and even suck her thumb.
Baby's Length: 4.57 in.
Baby's Weight: 3.53 oz

How I am feeling
The nausea was back this week.  It wasn't an all day, every day thing but it was around quite a bit.  I was also more tired this week than the past couple of weeks.  Oh, and the headaches are still around.  Feels like I went backward in this area. 

What do I miss
Being able to take Ibuprofen for headaches.  I'm able to take Tylenol but so far have avoided it. 

Gender prediction
Same thoughts for both of us.

Food cravings
Hmm...I don't think I had any this week.

Food aversions
Nothing here either.

Highlights this week 
*Had a few light flutters this week that I think might have been the baby moving.
*Dave took got our desks out of the office this weekend so we are another step closer to starting the nursery.  We have a lot of junk to get rid of/pack up yet but we're closer at least.

1 comment:

Nicolle said...

Avoid the Tylenol as long as you can. I hate being preachy and I stay away from giving unsolicited advice...but there are new studies that it's not good for baby. :/

It's almost time to find out the gender!